प्रारंभिक ग्रेड एवं सीधी भर्ती में वरीयता (Seniority) का निर्धारण के नियम क्या है?


 प्रारंभिक ग्रेड एवं सीधी भर्ती में वरीयता (Seniority) का निर्धारण  के नियम

1. प्रारंभिक ग्रेड में वरीयता (Seniority) का निर्धारण  :-

प्रारंभिक ग्रेड में वरीयता का निर्धारण उस ग्रेड में नियुक्ति की तिथि से निर्धारण किया जायेगी।  यदि नियुक्ति के समय कर्मचारी का वेतन उन कर्मचारियों से अधिक निर्धारण कर दिया जो उस ग्रेड से पहले से ही नियमित रूप से कार्यरत है, इस आधार पर अधिक वेतन पानेवाला कर्मचारी वरीयता के लिए दावा नही करेगा 

Proceedings after Retirement under Disciplinary & Appeal Rule

Proceedings after Retirement under Disciplinary & Appeal Rule


a) If an employee retires while proceedings are continuing, then the proceedings will be deemed to be continuing under Rule 9 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules 1993. The proceedings should be continued even after retirement in the same manner as if the employee is in service and the Disciplinary Authority should record his decision and instead of imposing a penalty, should give specific recommendations on whether a cut in the pensionary benefits is warranted or not.

Short Note on Minimum Wages Act

Minimum Wages act:

This act aims at securing minimum rates of wages in these categories of employment where wages are low, in order to prevent exploitation of unorganized labour. It also lays down the procedure for regulating the hours of work and payment of wages, including overtime, so as to ensure prompt payment and specifies the deductions that can be made from the wages of the workers. So far Railway Administrations are concerned the Minimum Wages Act applies to casual workmen in employment.

Q & Ans - Describe in details - HOER Rules.

HOER Rules 

Power to declare the employment of a Railway employee Intensive or Essentially Intermittent vests with Head of the Railway Administration which can be delegated to Chief Personnel Officer.

• During emergency situations it can be exercised by an Officer not below the rank of Senior Scale.

• A copy of every declaration of classification shall be sent to Regional Labour Commissioner and if it is made by an Officer (Sr Scale) a copy to be sent to Head of the Railway Administration and Chief Personnel Officer.

कार्यग्रहण अवधि ( JOINING TIME )

Joining Time Rules is given on Chapter 11 of Indian Railway Establishment Code (Volume - 1) 

1.Rule for Extent of application of Joining Time (Rule IREC   1101) - Joining Time shall be granted to a Railway servant on transfer in public interest to enable him to join the new post either at the same or a new station.

2. Rule On temporary transfer (Rule IREC   1102) - No joining time is admissible in the case of temporary transfer for a period not exceeding 180 days. Actual transit time as in the case of journey on tour shall only be allowed.

Subsistence Allowance Under Discipline & Appeal Rules


A subsistence allowance at an amount equal to the leave salary on half average pay on half pay and in addition Dearness allowances on the basis of such leave salary. 

The first review is to be conducted after 3 months and then the amount of Subsistence allowances may be increased or decreased by an amount not exceeding 50% of the subsistence allowances admissible during the period of the first 3 months. This is depending upon the discretion of the disciplinary authority taking into consideration as to whether the suspended employee has been cooperating or not for early finalization of the case.

 It is, therefore, obligatory for the competent authority to review each case in which the period of suspension is likely to exceeds 3 months and specific orders are to be passed placing on record the circumstance under which the decision had been taken. 

There is no bar to make further review/ reviews after the first review as such can be made any time after the first review. The rate of dearness allowances will be based on the revised rate of subsistence allowances.

Leave Rules of Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave- (IREC - 551)

(1) A female railway servant (including an apprentice) with less than two surviving children may be granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement.

अनुशासन एवं अपील नियम छोटी (Minor) एवं बड़ी (Major) शास्ति (Penalties) की कार्यविधि

स्कूल पास (School Pass) जारी करने के सामान्य नियम - INDIAN RAILWAY

स्कूल पास जारी करने के सामान्य नियम

  • जिन रेल कर्मचारियों के कार्यस्थल के स्टेशन पर उचित माध्यम अथवा उचित स्तर का स्कूल अथवा कालेज न हो तो उनके बच्चों को शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए किसी अन्य जगह पर बाहर जाना होता है, यदि कर्मचारी का बच्चा मुख्यालय के बाहर किसी नगर में पढ़ता हो, जहाँ से वे प्रतिदिन लौटकर आ जा नही सकते है, तो उसे मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षण संस्था के प्रमाण – पत्र के आधार पर स्कूल पास दिये जाते है।
  • यह शिक्षण संस्थान भारत सरकार द्वारा अथवा राज्य सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त होने चाहिए। इन शिक्षण संस्थानों की 3 दिन अथवा उससे अधिक अवधि की सरकारी छुट्टी होने पर, स्कूल पास शिक्षण संस्था के स्टेशन से कर्मचारी के मुख्यालय के स्टेशन तक आने व जाने के लिए प्रदान किया जाता है। एक साल में इकतरफा यात्रा के प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी 6 पास दिये जाते है। 
  • इस पास में 18 साल से कम आयु के लडके और किसी भी आयु की लड़की के साथ अभिभावक भी शामिल होता है। अभिभावक को बच्चे को स्कूल से लाने या छोड़ने या अकेले वापस लौटने के लिए भी पास दिया जाता है। इस यात्रा को स्कूल पास के आधे सेट में ही गिना जाता है, अलग से नहीं। परिचर यदि अभिभावक बनकर जाए तो उसे दूसरे दर्जे का पास मिलता है।
  • स्कूल पास, सुविधा पास के अलावा होता हैं और स्कूल पास उसी दर्जे के होते हैं जिसका कर्मचारी पात्रता रखता हो। यदि पति व पत्नी दोनों रेल कर्मचारी हो तो दोनों में से किसी एक के खाते में से दिए जाते हैं। 
छुट्टियों के दौरान स्कूल पास को दिये जाने की शर्ते : 

(1) स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट साल में एक बार शुरू में देना होगा 

(2) यदि पढ़ी छोड़ दी हो तो इस की सूचना पास देने वाले अधिकारी को देनी होगी 

(3) शक होने पर स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट लेने के लिए बार – बार जोर डाला जाए। 

(4) यदि स्कूल पास बिना स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट दिया गया है तो एक महीने के अंदर स्कूल सर्टिफिकेट दिया जाना जरूरी है. (सं. ई(डब्ल्यू) 2008 / पीएसएल 5 – 1/38, दिनांक 23.7.2010 , आर.बी.ई. 104/2010.) 

स्कूल पास जारी करना 
स्कूल पासो को भी रेल सेवकों के अनुरोध के अनुसार चार महीने पहले ही जारी किया जा सकता है बहरहाल, इन पासो पर यात्रा करने के लिए उचित वैधता अवधि को पास जारी करने वाले प्राधिकारी व्दारा प्रत्येक मामले में परिस्थितियों की आवश्यकता के आधार पर निर्धारित किया जाएगा. 

(सं. ई. (डब्ल्यू) 2010 /पीएस 5 – 1/11, दिनांक 04.07.2011. आर.बी.ई. 14/2011.) 

नोट – 1. स्कूल चैक पास किसी मान्यता प्राप्त संस्था में प्रवेश लेने के लिए प्रवेश हेतु प्रवेश परीक्षा, प्रवेश हो जाने पर वहां जाने के लिए, प्राइवेट परीक्षार्थी के रूप में फार्म भरने जाने के लिए स्कूल से हटाए जाने पर, स्कूल की अध्ययन पर्यटन यात्रा के लिए भी स्कूल पास दिए जाते हैं। 

2. चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेट /इंजीनियरिंग/एम.बी.ए./सी. एस./कम्प्यूटर पाठ्यक्रम, इत्यादि में अध्ययन के दौरान भी स्कूल चैक पास दिया जाता है, लेकिन एम.डी. करने वाले चिकित्सीय पाठ्यक्रम के दौरान स्कूल चैक पास अनुमेय नहीं है।

General rules for  issuing school passes 

  • Children of those railway employees who do not have proper medium or proper level school or college at their workplace station have to go to some other place to get education. If the child of the employee studies in a city outside the headquarters, from where they cannot come back daily, then school passes are given to them on the basis of certificate of a recognized educational institution.
  • These educational institutions should be recognized by the Government of India or the State Government. In case of government holidays of 3 days or more in these educational institutions, school passes are provided for travelling from the station of the educational institution to the station of the employee's headquarters. Each student is given 6 passes for one-way travel in a year. 
  • This pass includes a boy below 18 years of age and a girl of any age along with a guardian. The guardian is also given a pass to pick up or drop the child from school or to return alone. This journey is counted in the half set of the school pass and not separately. If the attendant goes as a guardian, he gets a second class pass.
  • The school pass is in addition to the facility pass and the school pass is of the same category for which the employee is eligible. If both the husband and wife are railway employees, then it is given from the account of one of them. 
Conditions for issuing School Pass during Holidays : 

(1) School certificate has to be produced once in a year initially.  
(2) If studies have been dropped out, the same has to be reported to the pass issuing authority.  
(3) In case of doubt, the school certificate  should be insisted upon repeatedly. 
(4) If school certificate is issued without school pass, the school certificate has to be produced within one month.  (No. E(W) 2008/PSL 5 – 1/38, dated 23.7.2010 , RBE 104/2010.) 

 Issue of School Passes  School passes can also be issued up to four months in advance on request of the Railway servants. However, the appropriate period of validity for travelling on these passes will be determined by the pass issuing authority depending upon the exigencies of the circumstances in each case.  
(No. E(W) 2010/PS 5 – 1/11, dated 04.07.2011 , RBE 14/2011.) 

Note – 1. School Check Pass is issued for appearing in the entrance examination for admission in any recognized institution, for going there after admission, for filling up form as a private candidate on being removed from the school, and also for school study tour. 

2. School check pass is also given while pursuing Chartered Accountant / Engineering / MBA / CS / Computer Courses, etc. But School Check Pass is not permissible while pursuing Medical Course leading to MD.




Special Train Controllers Allowance

  Breakdown Allowance, Rules & Facilites to Breakdown Staff
 Dearness Allowance

House Rent Allowance

Traveling Allowance

यात्रा भत्ता के सामान्य नियम

 Transport Allowance Rule & Circulars

Night Duty Allowance  & Calculation

Conveyance allowance

Fixed Conveyance Allowance

National Holiday Allowance (NHA)  (Hi/Eng)


  1. Special Compensatory Allowances (Remote Location)   - Included in Tough Location Allowance
  2. Bad Climate Allowance - Included in Tough Location Allowance
  3. Family Planning Allowance - Discontinue w.e.f. 1st July, 2017
  4.  Night patrolling allowance for trackman Discontinue In 7th CPC
  5. Hill area allowance Discontinue In 7th CPC
  6. Daily Officiating Allowance. Discontinue In 7th CPC


  1. Messing Allowance 
  2. Laundry Allowance 
  3. Uniform Allowance 
  4. Washing Allowance 
  5. Composite Transfer Grant (CTG )  
  6. Deputation Duty Allowance 
  7. Non Practicing Allowance (NPA ) 
  8. Training Allowance  
  9. Spl. Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disability 
  10. Running Allowance ( IREM Oh. DC Para 91-930 ) 
  11. Kilometre Allowance 
  12. Allowance in lien of RR Facilities 
  13. Breach of Rest Allowance 
  14. Out Station detention Allowance 
  15. Average Kilometre Allowance 
  16. Accident Allowance 
  17. Trip Allowance 
  18. Leave Mileage Allowance 


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