A Trade Union is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining and improving the conditions of workers and their lives. Salient features of the Trade Union Act, 1926 are -
1. This act was passed in 1926 to be implemented from 1.6.27.
2. Any seven or more persons can form an Association and get registration.
3. Registrar can withdraw or cancel the registration of union.
4. Legal protection shall be given to union office bearers against criminal proceedings, but that must be for union working only.
5. The union may raise separate funds other than subscriptions on purely voluntary basis for promotion of social or political interest.
6. Unions are to define their aim and objects for its constitution and maintain and get it audited of accounts.
7. Registrar can inspect the accounts and the unions books at any time.
8. If unions indulge in (a) unfair practices; (b) go for irregular strike; (c) submit false statements, the punishment would be total withdrawal of recognition/registration.
9. If employer (a) interferes in the working of union; (b) influences for against the union; (c) discriminates with any office bearers of the union;
(d) refuses to negotiate or deny privileges to unions, he/she is liable to be fined.
10. Rights and liabilities of trade union and the purpose for which the union fund may be utilised have been defined.
Advantages of Trade Unions
1. A boon for working class.
2. Brings all round improvements in working conditions.
3. Brings industrial peace.
4. Safeguards against the possibility of exploitation of the workers.
Dis-advantages of Trade Unions
1. Workers go on strike on flimsy grounds.
2. Hostile attitude towards improvements and improved method of production.
3. Go Slow policy reduces the national income.
4. Creates artificial scarcity of labour.